Your hair is part of your identity, and when you are satisfied with the way it looks, you feel better about yourself. In general, you feel and perform your best when you are confident and comfortable with your personal appearance. Hair loss can rob you of the self-esteem which often accompanies a full head of natural hair.


There are many causes of hair loss. One of the most common reasons is male pattern baldness, also known as hereditary baldness, or alopecia. Baldness may also be brought on by certain diseases, glandular disorders or accidents. That is why diagnosis of your problem is necessary before treatment can begin. Despite common belief, other factors, such as how often you wash or comb your hair, have no influence on hair loss.

Nearly 70% of adult men eventually experience balding. Hair loss is always progressive and permanent. Genetics is the primary factor in determining the degree and rate of hair loss. Fortunately, the horseshoe-shaped rim of hair around the back and sides of the head is genetically “programmed” to never fall out. Through a technique called micrografting, hair follicles from this area can be inconspicuously moved to areas where hair is thinning or has been lost. Despite the transplant, this hair is still programmed to never fall out, and will continue to grow naturally for the rest of your life.